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LC1_2018_9_lismay cabin model.JPG
Client's house viewed from back garden. Cabin footprint will run 25 feet alongside back of house.
In-progress foundation form for concrete slab.
First wall.
Enclosed structure. 15 foot opening will feature five hand-built sliding glass doors.
Looking out towards garden through future doorway. 2 x 10" framing materials salvaged from Pacific Heights mansion.
With the garden abutting the cabin, the interior is both workspace and staging area.
The large diagonal plank will be the threshold for the 15 foot doorway.
An early 20th-century redwood beam, rare for its size (10" x 10" x 16 feet), was milled into thick planks that will form the doorway envelope.
Spray-in foam insulation.
Resawn red cedar siding blanks.
Red cedar, now custom milled into T&G for exterior siding.
Red cedar siding, installed.
South face of cabin, with 20 x 120" window, sited high for sunlight and privacy.
T&G mahogany flooring salvaged from a Pacific Heights mansion.
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LC1_2018_9_lismay cabin model.JPG
Client's house viewed from back garden. Cabin footprint will run 25 feet alongside back of house.
Client's house viewed from back garden. Cabin footprint will run 25 feet alongside back of house.
In-progress foundation form for concrete slab.
In-progress foundation form for concrete slab.
First wall.
First wall.
Enclosed structure. 15 foot opening will feature five hand-built sliding glass doors.
Enclosed structure. 15 foot opening will feature five hand-built sliding glass doors.
Looking out towards garden through future doorway. 2 x 10" framing materials salvaged from Pacific Heights mansion.
Looking out towards garden through future doorway. 2 x 10" framing materials salvaged from Pacific Heights mansion.
With the garden abutting the cabin, the interior is both workspace and staging area.
With the garden abutting the cabin, the interior is both workspace and staging area.
The large diagonal plank will be the threshold for the 15 foot doorway.
The large diagonal plank will be the threshold for the 15 foot doorway.
An early 20th-century redwood beam, rare for its size (10" x 10" x 16 feet), was milled into thick planks that will form the doorway envelope.
An early 20th-century redwood beam, rare for its size (10" x 10" x 16 feet), was milled into thick planks that will form the doorway envelope.
Spray-in foam insulation.
Spray-in foam insulation.
Resawn red cedar siding blanks.
Resawn red cedar siding blanks.
Red cedar, now custom milled into T&G for exterior siding.
Red cedar, now custom milled into T&G for exterior siding.
Red cedar siding, installed.
Red cedar siding, installed.
South face of cabin, with 20 x 120" window, sited high for sunlight and privacy.
South face of cabin, with 20 x 120" window, sited high for sunlight and privacy.
T&G mahogany flooring salvaged from a Pacific Heights mansion.
T&G mahogany flooring salvaged from a Pacific Heights mansion.
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