![Arc Office Set [1/2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bb64e47b91449289b98ec42/1539296649820-CCM4H9M7JMI5DK7XEUMR/leg_nasatir+office2W.jpg)
![Arc Office Set [2/2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bb64e47b91449289b98ec42/1539296646793-MUW9B4GTMF19AZ6YQ2UZ/leg_nasatir+office1W.jpg)

![96-step Redwood Staircase [1/3]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bb64e47b91449289b98ec42/1539296626667-K9NCDHAYR0KDNRE885VI/leg_hilgard+stairs2-4W.jpg)

Dodecahedron Speaker | for UC Berkeley Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)
Birch ply; aluminum plate with ten aluminum foam composite inner enclosures.

Commemorative Lamp
Mahogany, wenge, satinwood, Bullseye glass panels. 66” height. First in a series of three commemorative lamps.

Odalisque Lamp
Silky oak, ebony, steel, glue chip and Bullseye glass. 68” height. Second in a series of lamps commemorating the completion of a yearlong marble masonry project in Hillsborough, CA.

Dining Room Sideboard
Cherry, wenge, satinwood, marble, brass hardware. Part of a three-piece dining set.